
HTSA Movie 1 - Chapter 7

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Literature Text

Chapter 7 - The Cooler on the Sunken Bus

Next morning, ten Rabbids appeared on the village and walked as they looked around. One of them saw a pile of bananas and smiled as drool was falling from its mouth.

"Food!" it said on its language. It jumped to try to get a banana and it held on one of them. Just then, the pile of bananas fell to the ground as the Rabbid yelped falling too. The other Rabbids heard it and ran to see the mess their partner made. One of them laughed as the others join at the laughter. The Rabbid on the pile frowned at them and shot a banana at the mouth of one of them. It ate it and was quiet for a moment.

"Whoaaaa!" it said and confirmed on its language that it was delicious.

The other Rabbids were surprised and grabbed happily some bananas. But...

"HEY!" a voice called.

The Rabbids turned to see a villager with a spear, "Drop those bananas now!" he demanded.

The Rabbids looked at each other and then at him, just then...


Just then, they ran with all the bananas they could grab and went away.

"HEY! COME BACK HERE!" the villager called, but it was no use.

Unknown to him, four Rabbids got out of a bush and went to check the village out by themselves.

(Music: Kirby's Epic Yarn – Water Land)


All the students were on the beach as Sanae, Otto and Elena's family watched them. Neku and his friends were playing on the sea as the others did beach voleyball, some girls took a sunbath and the Elementary kids were playing on the sand. Bart and Milhouse were burying Nami and Nojiko with sand, with them not noticing this, since they were asleep as they were taking the sunbath. Bart and Milhouse chuckled. Just then, they got bonked on their heads by them.

"Man, this is life, dude!" Otto said as he relaxed on a hammock, drinking coconut milk as Sanae laughed at this.

Neku and his friends got out of the water.

"Man, the water is so nice today!" Tina laughed.

"Yeah, why didn't ya bring your ninja babe yo?" Beat smirked at Alvaro.

"Believe me, I would like, but she is now sparing with Makoto, Elena and Sarai." Alvaro chuckled.

"She would really like to swim with you." Rhyme smiled. "Knowing how much you love her."

Alvaro heavily blushed at this as his friends laughed. Neku turned and saw Wing making a boat.

"Wing! What are you doing?" he asked.

"Oh, hi Neku!" Wing smiled noticing him, "Just making a boat."

"Why?" he asked and Wing sighed.

"I know we are having fun here, but... I miss my parents." she looked at the sea sadly.

"I'm sure we will see them again soon." Neku assured, making Wing turning to him... and smiling after that.

But Krocken was on the beach crossing his arms, glaring deeply. Sanae noticed him and walked at him.

"Hey, Krocken. What are you doing here?" he asked smirking.

Krocken didn't replied.

"The water is nice today! Why don't you take a dip with the others?"

"No thanks. I quit." Krocken glared.

"Oh, come on! Don't think you get something standing there." Sanae glared but he smiled. "Get in the water, buddy." he walked away.

Unknown to him, Krocken growled and did so.

(Stops music)

Sometime later...

All the students were on the village for a new test. They all made ten teams and they must climb up to go to a hut with a guardian watching. In order to do that, they must cross bridges between other huts and go with stealth, due that it may have some traps.

As they all were waiting for test, four vultures were watching over a high branch on a tree. They were Buzzie, Flaps, Dizzy and Ziggy.

"Say, fellas, check this out!" Flaps exclaimed.

"The test of the Guardian." Dizzy added.

"And what we gonna do?" Flaps asked.

"Don't start again!" Buzzie snapped at him.

(Music: One Piece Movie 3 - Oukyuu de no Shokuji)

"Why?" Flaps turned to him in confusion.

"Because last time I told you 'What we gonna do?', you answer 'What you wanna do?', then I say 'What we gonna do?', you say 'What you wanna do?', 'What we gonna do?', then LET'S DO SOMETHING!" Buzzie yelled.

"Okay. What you wanna do?" asked Flaps.

"Oh no, there you again. The same once again!" Buzzie groaned.

"Then... What we gonna do?"

"Don't start again!" Buzzie warned at him again.

"Lucky! Hey, Lucky!" Dizzy called another vulture.

This vulture was Lucky and he was cleaning his wings' feathers.

"Yes?" he asked at his vulture friends smiling.

"It's the ones we told you about, the stranders." Ziggy smiled.

Lucky stared at them, "Hmm... the stranders, huh? Interesting. I wonder what they are doing!" he exclaimed.

"I don't know. What we gonna do?" Buzzie asked.

"I don't know." Flaps replied before glaring. "Hey, don't start again!"

"Come on, fellas! Let's check it out!" Lucky called as he flew close to the village. The others followed him.

Meanwhile, the students stared at Sanae, who gave the instructions of the test.

"Okay, here's the plan for today. You're all split on ten teams and must work all together, so at least one of you can reach to the Guardian's hut. Be careful too! There some hidden traps." he warned.

Meanwhile, the Elementary kids were watching this.

"What do you guys think?" Inky asked. "Will the Secondary ones win this test?"

"I bet 10 coconuts that team Nº7 wins!" Bumper smirks.

"Bumper, it's not a competition, it's a teamwork test." Conan turned to him.

"Oh." Bumper sweatdropped.

Inky, Winky, Timber and Deanu laughed.

"Judging the Guardian's up there on that high hut..." Jeff grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote. "The best path the teams should take is the left one, due that the possibility of being more traps is in the right path."

"And... knowing the Guardian's looking from left and right..." Mitch added as he looked the Guardian, watching from the window from left and right.

"The best thing they all can do is..." Ethan snapped his fingers. "This one! Some teams will distract the guard as the rest can enter on the Guardian's hut."

"Whoa, Ethan, you're a genius!" Hijitus exclaimed as the others clapped.

"I'm agreed!" Ellie giggles.

"What about us?!" Jeff and Mitch glared.

"Oh. After you guys, of course." Ellie sweatdropped giggling in shame.

"Nah, that game is pointless, the Guardian is not real!" Bart crossed his arms.

"Stop it, Bart! What makes you say that?" Lisa glared at her brother.

"I and Milhouse watched this on YouTube. It's like some kind of April's Fools Day game."

"Yeah, but I wonder how the others would react about this." Milhouse said a bit worried.

Lisa and Pipsy rolled their eyes.

Meanwhile, the Rabbids watched this as they walked and sat on some rocks. They were curious about was going on.

Back to the Secondary Students...

Neku, his friends, Joshua and the bullies were thinking on a nice strategy.

Skeebo looked up at the Guardian's hut and shrugged.

"It's gonna be a bit difficult. The Guardian watches everything from the window. There's gotta be a way to distract him. Not even a monkey can climb up there." he said at the others.

"A monkey maybe not." Naruto smirked as he walked towards the tree as Skeebo stared in confusion. "But I, Naruto Uzumaki, will!"

He climbed up the tree, "Once I'm on the top of tree, I'll jump to the hut and...!" he stopped and gasped as he saw Lucky standing on the top.

"Hiya, fella!" Lucky waved smiling. "Having fun?"

"WHOAAAA!!" Naruto jawdropped. "A TALKING VULTURE!!"

He dropped himself accidentally and fell to the ground.

"Oooohhhh..." Lucky groaned. "That's gotta hurt! I think he never seen a talking vulture before!" he smiled shrugging.

Back to Neku and the others, they saw Naruto crawling on the ground, dazed with a bump on his head.

"What do you want me to tell ya? I didn't see it very well." Sticks shrugged at Naruto.

"You're a loser, Naruto." Sasuke glared.

"SAY WHAT?!" Naruto got up, glaring.

"I have an idea." Joshua smiled smugly. "Conker, you go to that rock and distract him with some twirls, while one of them goes up, and hits him on the head troglodyte style."

Conker thought that and shrugged. "Oh well." he walked away.

"Come on! We will win this time!" Luffy smirked, bumping his fists.

"Hmph. Surely we will mess up." Shadow scoffed.

Conker climbed up to the rock, "I'll do an imitation of a dancer. Surely I will distract him perfectly!" he began to dance like a crazy, until he heard some kind of noise. "Whoa, but there's no one here! Who the heck is whistling?"

Jimbo stared a little firecracker and wide his eyes, "Who put that firecracker there?" he asked.

"F-F-F-Firecracker?" Conker gulped. "W-W-What firecracker?" he looked down, just to find out the firecracker tied to the rock, he gasped and yelled as it exploded, sending him to the others. He collisioned to the ground and yelped as the small rocks fell over him, making a mountain.

"I'm still not understanding this plan, but I'm having a fun time here!" Kearney laughed.

"Whoa! That's what I'd call a sneeze!" Joshua shrugged chuckling.

(Change music: Kingdom Hearts 2 - Laughter and Merriment)

Conker growled and turned to Alvaro, Neku and Sticks, "You, geek! Get your ninja girlfriend and Makoto and both of you, Phones and Sticks come with me!" he soon turned to Dash Baxter, "And you, distract him a while as we go up and we smash his head!"

"All right!" Dash smirked as Alvaro and Conker went away. "Hey, you! Monkey Face! You're more loser than Fenton!" he called at the Guardian, before grimacing to distract him.

On one of the bridges, Makoto was punching and kicking the straw dolls that were made to push off the participants to the water pool. Taking advantage of that, Alvaro and Ibuki dashed as fast as they could to go to the finish, with Conker on Al's back.

Meanwhile, Krocken was watching this and scoffed. He turned to see Dash Baxter, still grimacing at the Guardian.

"What are you doing, Dash?" he glared.

"Shut up! I'm distracting that loser!" Dash snapped.

"Distracting a fake doll?" he crossed his arms. "You surely are crazy." he scoffed.

"What? Say what?!" Dash snapped offended.

"That is not a real guardian. It's a fake copy they made for that stupid game." Krocken rolled his eyes.

"Huh?" Dash was confused.

Meanwhile, as the other students were trying to go to the finish... Ibuki and Makoto were panting as Sticks, Neku, Al and Conker stared at them.

"Well... At least... we made it... right?" Ibuki panted.

"Yeah..." Makoto agreed. "I consider it a nice challenge for me."

They turned to the entrance and watched the Guardian there, not watching them. It was now the chance! But they didn't know that the Guardian was not real as Krocken and Bart said. Conker smirked and got a rock he grabbed.

"Ha! Eat lead, you loser!" he smack the rock on the Guardian's head.

The Guardian was not yelling in pain or nothing. He was quiet. Conker, scratching his head stared in confusion.

"Eat lead! Eat lead! Eat lead!" he kept hitting the Guardian with the rock, but it not worked. The rock broken into little peebles.

"Man! This Guardian surely is strong!" Alvaro was shocked.

"This is strange..." Neku glared crossing his arms.

"Hey, look! Neku and the others made it!" Ventor's voice called.

They turned to see Luffy and Ventor.

"You guys made it!" Luffy smirked.

"Yeah, but it's not working." Ibuki shrugged.

"Why?" Ventor asked in confusion.

They both entered and saw Alvaro and Conker watching the Guardian until...

"Hey! Check his legs!" Alvaro spotted that the Guardian had not legs.

"He has no legs!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Heck! It's just a totem." Conker glared.

"Looks like we were being fooled so easily with this, huh?" Ventor sweatdropped.

(Stops music)

Suddenly, the huts trembled as all the students gasped at this. They all went to the windows and/or bridges to look down and see what was going on. It was an enraged Dash Baxter, who was punching and kicking one of the wood sticks that hold one of the huts. He realized the hoax on the test and he was mad.

"Darn it!! And I didn't just know it!! Take this!!!" he kicked the stick so hard, breaking it apart.

"Uh oh!" he noticed this and ran away.

(Music: Sonic Battle - Having Fun)

The hut fell on other hut's side, and this on another one, like on Domino effect.

"Aaahhh! THIS IS THE ARMAGEDDON!" Sticks yelled and jumped out of the window.

"Sticks! Where are you going?!" Neku called shocked.

Just then; Neku, Luffy, Al, Ventor, Ibuki and Makoto slipped and fell down due to the hut was going down, as they yelled.

Just then, all the students were panicked and tried to get down, dodging the traps and jumping to the water pool.

The Rabbids watched as Misty, May, Dawn, Shantae, Sky and Rotty jumped to the water.

"Whoa!" they were amazed. For them, this was like a show and they enjoyed it.

They saw Sokka running on the bridge, but an upcoming bag pushed him away as he screamed; crashing with Aang and Katara, and the three fell next to a rock. The Rabbids laughed at this.

Tyler grabbed Dan and Runo and launched them to safety as they both screamed. Darrel smiled but he stopped as he saw them on the floor, dazed.

The Vultures laughed as they saw Bolo ducking to dodge a straw doll that hit Brock and Darrel and Ben away.

"Sunny side up!" Ziggy laughed.

"Now they're over easy!" Lucky added.

Jimmy and Rachel stopped as the bridge where Lance was broke and he fell to the ground. They both jumped to the water pool, just in time, before one of the huts fell over them.

"This reminds me to that TV show!" Lucky laughed.

"Which one?" Dizzy asked.

"Takeshi's Castle!" Lucky replied.

The Vultures laughed at this.

"I'm cracking up myself up here! I don't know how I do it!" Lucky kept laughing.

Neku slided down the hut as Conker was rolling. Ibuki, Makoto and Alvaro were struggling to go up without luck.

Luffy and Ventor fell to the ground and got up groaning.

"You idiot!" Ventor glared at Luffy. "Why did we have jump here?"

"I already told you I can't swim!" Luffy snapped back.

They soon heard Nami and Nojiko's screams and they turned to see them on a hut, which was falling to other side of the water pool. Ventor widen his eyes in shock with white pupil at this as the girls yelled falling to the water.

All the students were okay, but some of them groaned after the falls and stuff they suffered. Sanae, Otto, the Chief and the rest of the tribe ran and watched in shock.

They all growled angrily at Dash, as Sanae glared at him, crossing his arms.

"What have you done this time, Baxter?" he demanded.

"W-W-W-Well, it's not my fault that they make these huts with fake wood! Besides, who sent all of you down with them? You ought to have been up there!" Dash shrugged trying to defend himself.

Suddenly, Makoto got out of the wood pieces, really pissed off, and stomped the ground yelling. She dashed at Dash and punched him on the groin, making him yell in pain and punched him on the stomach three times, before punching on the face, sending him flying upwards yelling the Goofy Hooler, "YAAAAAAAAHOOOHOOHOOOEEEEE!"

"SEICHUSEN GODANZUKI!" Makoto snapped on her pose, before Dash crashed on the ground.

The rest of the students stared, shocked and/or sweat dropping at this.

"This idiot is a donkey, indeed." Conker glared as he imagined Dash as a donkey braying loudly.

Meanwhile, on the sea...

We see a rescue squad ship, looking for the HTSA's students. In deck...

"Any sign of them yet, Abel?" a blonde muscular man named Guile was bruising his hair.

"Not yet." another muscular blonde man, higher than Guile was looking around the sea. He's called Abel.

"We must not lose hope. Chun-Li and Cammy count on us." Guile finished bruising his hair and looked at the sea too.

"He's right!" a voice called.

They both turned to a tan man with black hair and long nose. He's Ussop. Ussop was a childhood friend of Luffy, Nami, Nojiko and Ventor. Once he grew up, he wanted to become a brave traveller to see the world. After hearing that his friends were stranded, he join to the rescue squad to find them.

"Just like Mr. Guile said... 'We must not give up'." Ussop said determined. "I'm also sure they are alive... somewhere."

Back to the island...

On the tribe, all the natives and the HTSA students were doing their routines until...

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Sticks ran to the village screaming in panic. "MONSTER! MONSTER!"

Hearing that, everyone ran and hid on their respective huts. Jin, Batsu, Hwoarang, Asuka, Jasuka, Luffy, Naruto, Ventor, Shadow and Knuckles glared staring on their fighting poses, waiting for the monster. They all looked around, but there was no sign of a monster.

"There's no monster, you big scaredy." Jasuka glared. "Scaredy got scared." he teased at her as Luffy and Naruto imitated chickens to tease her too.

"Well, you'd be scared too, if you saw a monster!" Sticks glared.

"Nu-uh." Jasuka shook his head.

"Uh-huh!" Sticks snapped.



"Knock it off!" Asuka called at them. "Remember the Chief and the Shaman can feel things! If they felt monsters, they would warn us. Sticks, try to not be so paranoid, please." she turned to Sticks. "They will think you're crazy."

"That's right, Sticks. Calm down!" Amy Rose appeared between them trying to calm her friend down.

Sticks grabbed her shoulders and exclaimed, "But, Amy! You know this! Sonia knows it! Everyone knows it! It's not that I'm paranoid...!" she look behind and glared at her shadow. "STOP FOLLOWING ME!!" she snapped turning to her shadow.

Jasuka and Asuka sweatdropped at this.

Later, that night...

Everyone was gathered and everyone was sitting around the fireplace.

"I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's." Lily groaned in hungry.

"I could eat a big piece of meat." Luffy added.

"I would eat a huge bowl of Ramen." Naruto added rubbing his stomach on misery.

"And I would eat a hamburger." Ash finiswall.

The others gasped at that.

"Now that's being hungry!" Sora exclaimed.

"So hungry." Kairi agreed.

Suddenly, a noise was heard.

"THE MONSTER!" Max, Sticks and Milhouse yelped.

"No, guys!" Pac chuckled. "It's my belly."

"Don't you worry, guys." Sanae smiled. "Dinner is ready!"

The natives came with fruits, fishes and stuff to eat, but the students groaned. Except Nami and Nojiko, who liked tangarines; and Knuckles who liked grapes.

"Not this again!" Kearly glared.

"This sucks!" Nelson threw an orange to a hut's wall.

"Young man!" Sanae glared. "If you don't eat that, you won't desert!"

"Screw it!"

"Yeah, we want meat!" Luffy agreed.

Just then, Rhyme thought on something.

"Oh! Wait! I remember we had a cooler on the bus!" she called.

The others students gasped at this. How could they forget it?

"Yeah, Rhyme. I remember it." Sanae chuckled but sighed. "But the bus in under the sea. We can't reach it."

The students groaned at this, and Beat smirked, "Mr. Hanekoma... would you excuse me for a moment?"

"Huh? For what, Beat?" Sanae asked.

Suddenly, Beat ran on the jungle towards the beach, yelling crazily, "I WANT FOOD! I WANT THE FOOD OF THE COOLER, YO!"

"Beat!" Rhyme called as she, Neku, Shiki, Tina, Conker, Alvaro, Ibuki, Sarai, Makoto, Elena and Pit ran after him.

"HELP!" Beat was about to jump to the sea but Pit stopped him.

"What are you doing?!" Pit called him, struggling to calm him down.

"I'M SWIMMING TO THE BUS, YO!" Beat yelled. "I KNOW MY CHANCES ARE SLIM, BUT I HAVE TO TRY!" he tried to go to the sea, despite Pit stopping him.

"You will get drowned!" Neku glared.

"I said 'My chances are slim', Phones!" Beat glared back as Neku sighed.

"Calm down!" Sarai called. "We must handle this calmly!"

"Sarai's right!" Ibuki glared. "We have to think on some plan!"

"I GOT IT!" Alvaro's voice called.

They turned to Al, who was happy but he frowned, "Nah, it may not work..."

They all sighed and lowed their heads, as Alvaro thought again.

"Yes! Yes!! YES!" he exclaimed, but he frowned again, "No..."

They groaned, but...

"WAIT!" Al called again. "Tina! Do you still having that inhaler of yours?"

"Huh? Why, Alvaro?" Tina asked confused.

"I was thinking on using it as a breather! One of us now can go to the bus, without worrying about drowning, knowing that the inhaler gives air!" Alvaro explained his plan.

"Whoa! Yeah, that might work!" Conker exclaimed. "AL! YOU'RE A GENIUS!!"

"PURE GENIUS, YO!!!" Beat smirked happily.

"Good idea, Al!" Neku thumbed up. "Hopefully, this works."

"I'll go." Elena said.

"Huh?" the others turned to her.

"Are you kidding?" Makoto glared.

"It's okay, Makoto! Elena can swim very well." Shiki smiled. "I'm sure she won't have problems."

"It's true." Elena smiled to her friends. "Guys, I'll be fine!"

"Hopefully you know what you're doing, Elena." Sarai said worried.

"Yeah." Pit agreed.

Elena smiled at them, making them know they can trust her.

"Good luck, Elena!" Ibuki smiled.

"If you need help, we can go there with Shiki's pig." Neku assured.

"IT'S A CAT, NEKU!! NOT A PIG!!" Shiki snapped at him.

"Here, Elena." Tina offered Elena her inhaler, and she sad smiled with tears. "But, please, don't lose it! I need it to live!" she exclaimed as Elena stared at her confused.

(Music: World of Illusion - Underwater Adventure)

Later, Elena accepted to go, and she was swimming far away as the moon shone the surface. Once she was far enough, she took a deep breath and dived down, with Tina's inhaler on her hand. She swam down to the deeps and she was reaching for the bus. She put the inhaler on the mouth and she could breath, using it as a breather as she swam. She swam around the bus and went to the back door. She tried to open it, and with some effort, she could enter and swam on it. She looked around as water type inoffensive Pokemon stared at her. She searched under the chairs, under the wheel and on the wall, but she couldn't find nothing. Unknown to her, Mr. Mew was staring at her outside.

Back to the beach...

"Guess it's a good idea to send your stuffed kitty there." Makoto said to Shiki, who nodded.

Back to the sunken bus, Elena swam up to the second floor and keep searching. She soon saw the cooler at the wall and smiled. She swam to grab it, but suddenly she heard a loud sound. With the cooler on her hands, she swam to the back door, but she found out the door is now closed. She pushed to try to open it but it was no use. Mr. Mew noticed this and became bigger. It went to the door and punched it hardly, opening it. Elena widen her eyes in shock as the giant stuffed cat helped her with the cooler. She smiled as she swam up to the surface with Mr. Mew.

(Stops music)

Back to the beach, our friends were watching at the sea, and saw the giant Mr. Mew emerging of the water with Elena on it's back, while the stuffed cat had the cooler on its hands.

"Whoa!" Conker was surprised.

"They did it!" Pit added.

"See? I told you it'd work." Alvaro smiled proudly.

Beat chuckled as he walked to the shore as Elena went down and smiled, "I got it!"

"Great job, Elena!" Ibuki smiled.

"Good thing Mr. Mew helped you, right?" Shiki smiled too.

"Yeah! Thank you, Shiki!" Elena smiled her back.

"Now we have the cooler." Neku smiled. "Guess the others will be satisfied."

Unknown to them, Joshua was watching between the palmtrees, smiling.

Back to the village...

"Hey!" a voice called at the students and natives, making them turning around.

(Music: Shaman King - Nantoka Narusa)

"Dinner's ready, you guys!" Ibuki announced as the others brought the cooler.

The students were surprised and they ran for the food. Neku and Beat opened the cooler and everyone grabbed their food. They were eating but...

"Wait! Wait, you guys!" Sanae called.

They all stopped and turned to him.

(Stops music)

"Look, I'm also glad we have our food. But we have to survive with this food unless until the rescue squad comes for us." Sanae explained as he grabbed the food from the students who groaned, and he put them back on the cooler.

"But I'm hungry now! I want my Ramen back!" Naruto protested.

All the students were protesting too, but Amina tried to calm them down.

"Please, listen to your teacher. He's right. You need your food to survive. Think about it." as she talked, no one could see Krocken growling and getting angry. "If all of you waste all of you wasted all your food... what would you..."

"STOP IT!!" Krocken snapped. He couldn't take this anymore.

The students turned to him in shock, including Sanae, Otto, Sticks and Elena.

"You know what makes me mad?! Oh, I tell you..." Krocken smirked before glaring. "We are all here on a personal heck, a personal place to suffer, just to do what they say us! To wear what we must wear! To eat what we must here! And worst... being with a bunch of uncivliziated fools!! And I'm SICK about this!!"

"Krocken!" Sanae glared. "Apologize before I'm forced to ground you!"

"For what?! For saying the truth?!" Krocken turned to Sanae. "I REALLY hate this place!!"

(Music: Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories - Scent of Silence)

They all gasped in horror.

"Say what?" Brandi Storm asked.

"Yeah! We are having fun here!" Christopher Storm agreed.

"And the native people of here is treating us so kindly!" May defended.

"How can you be SO selfish?!" Lan demanded.

Krocken ignored at them and turned to Neku.

"And you... Neku... you should blame Conker here to bring us to this piece of trash land!" he snapped.

"Why me?! I already apologized for it!" Conker glared.

"Conker, it was not you. We were lucky before the storm came, remember?" Rhyme remembered.

"Oh." Conker calmed down.

"Oh, but you don't JUST understand!" Krocken glared.

"Krocken, how can you...?" Schala glared at Krocken.

"SHUT UP!" he snapped at her, making her gasp. "Just who do you think you are... TO TELL ME WHAT I THINK YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME?!"

"Krocken! STOP THIS!!" Neku glared at Krocken.

Krocken breathed heavilly and growled, "You know what...? SCREW IT!! I'M OUTTA HERE!"

He ran away as Schala gasped.

"No! Krocken!! KRROOOOOOCKEEEEEEEEEEENNNN!!" she cried uselessly.

He ran away, and now he was nowhere to be seen. He would never return to the village, for nothing. Schala fell to her knees and sobbed lowly. Sanae kneeled next to her and hugged her.

"There... Don't cry, Schala. He must have a reason to hate to be here." he calmed her down.

Neku and his friends stared this in sadness. Neku, however, glared at the direction where Krocken ran off.

End of Chapter 7
High Toon School Academy - The Movie: Stranded in the Island Chapter 7.

All characters, OCs and music belong to their respective owners and composers.

Kirby's Epic Yarn – Water Land:…

One Piece Movie 3 - Oukyuu de no Shokuji:…

Kingdom Hearts 2 - Laughter and Merriment:…

Sonic Battle - Having Fun:…

World of Ilussion - Underwater Adventure:

Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories - Scent of Silence:…
© 2015 - 2024 alvarobmk123
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Krocken's avatar
Oh, nice work