
alvarobmk123's Toy Story 2 Chapter 3

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Knowing he has 5 minutes, it's enough for Maxwell to begin one of his games with his toys. He starts by hanging Elh and Chocolat by a line as he said, impersonating Chocolat, "Help, help! Somebody help us!"

Maxwell then held Red as he said through him, "Let them go, evil Dr Devil!"

IMP, wearing some sort of costume, is on a box with the Worms in front of him as if they were defending him.

"Never! You must choose, Red Savarin. How shall they die?" Maxwell said as IMP. "Shark," The boy then held Chocolat and Elh over a Sharpedo who has his mouth opened. "Or death by Mankeys?!" He now held her by a bunch of Mankeys scattered, with Homer and Bart nearby scattered as well. "Choose!"

Maxwell grins as he held the remote. Speaking as Red, he said, "I choose Zero the Reploid!"

The human boy then activated the remote and sure enough, Zero came riding out of a box on F-Type, the toy race car, sending him at IMP.

"What? That's not a choice!" protested Maxwell as IMP.

"Always ready to serve mankind!" exclaimed Maxwell as Zero who flew on the ramp on F-Type knocking down IMP and some of the Worms.

"I'll save you, sister! And you too, Elh!" said Maxwell as Red as he 'helps' Chocolat and Elh down.

"My hero," Maxwell said as Elh in pretend lovingly. The boy made the toys kiss.

"Thanks, Zero!" Maxwell as Red said to Zero.

"No problem, buddy." said Maxwell as Zero. The boy made the two toys shakes as he continues speaking through the Reploid toy, "You should never tangle with the unstoppable duo of Red Savarin and Zero!"

Maxwell laughs. He is really enjoying this. Suddenly a noise got his attention. He turned and gasps in shock. In the progress, Red's arm rips making a tear in the fabric.

"Oh no!" yelped Maxwell in worry.

"Maxie, let's go! Lily's already in her car seat." said Julie as she came into the room.

"But, Mom, Red's arm ripped." said Maxwell sadly as he shows the damage to his favorite toy since Kindergarten.

"Oh, no... Maybe we can fix him on the way."

"No, just leave him."

Maxwell sighs as his mom takes Red and puts him on a high shelf. It hurts the boy to do so but he can't bring Red to camp. Who knows what could happen to him?

"I'm sorry, honey, but you know toys don't last forever." said Julie sadly.

Maxwell sighed sadly, as his mother put her hand on his shoulder to cheer him up, before they left the room.

When they did, everyone came out of toy mode. Red looks shocked at his arm. He can't believe it. He doesn't want to, but it happened. He is going to be missed his one time to be with Maxwell. And worst yet, with a nearly ripped arm!

"Oh no." groaned Red sadly. Zero and his friends came over and look concerned. They knew how going to camp with Maxwell means to the caninu toy and now look what happened.

"Oh, my." Sonic said shocked.

"Mamma Mia." Mario added.

"What happened, dad?" asked Bart worried as he and Homer put themselves together literally.

"Red has been shelved, boy." said Homer in disbelief.

Red, high on the shelf, looks at his arm and lifts it up. He lets go and watch sadly as it went limp. He then looks outside and, to his sadness, sees Maxwell about to leave in the family van. He couldn't believe it.

"Maxwell." whispered Red sadly. But it was in vain. The van left, leaving the caninu boy to be on a shelf, alone.

The toys look at their leader sadly. They knew he looks so sad. All he wants to do now is sit there and feel badly for himself.

"Red?" called out Chocolat trying to get her brother's attention.

"Red? Honey, are you okay?" Elh called out to his boyfriend worried. But Red just slink back onto the shelf top. She and Zero looked at each other sadly. Their friend has been hurt...physically and emotionally.

"Can somebody explain me all of this?" Daffy asked confused.

"Red's arm is ripped." Bugs explained at Daffy. "Now he can't come to the camp."

"Oh, sorry about him." Daffy said in concern.

Red was sleeping on the shelf. That is until he hears something pulling into the driveway. He wakes up and looks. To his surprise, a familiar boy came out of the vehicle.

"All right! Whoa!" laughed Maxwell happily.

"He's back?" asked Red in disbelief. He laughed, "Hey, everybody!" The toys, who are doing anything like playing cards or whatever, looked up as the ghost boy toy continued, "Maxwell's back! He's back early from adventure camp!"

"Places, everybody!" yelled Lisa as the toys went to get back into their positions knowing that Maxwell is about to come upstairs. "Maxwell is coming!"

Everyone got into their original positions and went into toy mode, as did Red. Soon Maxwell came in laughing.

"Hey, Red, did you miss me?" Maxwell looks at the shelf and picks Red up. He laughs as he twirled him around happily saying, "All righty, let's get them, Hunter!"

Maxwell was happy...that is until he noticed the broken arm. He then remembered what happened before he laughs.

"Oh. I forgot. You're broken." Maxwell then sighs as he held Red out saying, "I don't wanna play with you anymore."

To Red's shock, the toy finds himself dropped by the boy he cares for. Suddenly cards all came apart and the caninu finds himself falling into a huge black spade into darkness. His destination ended as he fell into one of the last places he wanted to be in: the trash can.

Red came out of toy mode and looks horrified. The trash can has a lot of broken toys, parts, whatever, most likely to never be play with again.

The toy struggles to get to the top as he yelled, "No! Maxwell! No!"

Red then gasps as he sees a horrible sight: a claw made out of broken toys appeared and grabbed him, choking him as it grabs him down planning to detour him.

"Maxwell, Maxwell, Maxwell!" yelped Red as he tries in vain to escape. Looking up and trying to get to the top, he saw a sad Maxwell looking into the trash can sadly.

"Bye, Red." said Maxwell as he closes the lid.

"No, no! Maxwell!" screamed Red as he is almost all the way to the bottom. But Maxwell didn't hear him and soon the lid closes. Everything is in darkness...

Suddenly Red wakes up screaming. He looks around in concern. He is still on the shelf Julie put him on. He sighs but looks concerned. Could his dream means something? He looks at his broken arm and looks upset. It's because of this thing is why he missed going to camp with Maxwell! He threw the arm onto a book making dust come outs.

Suddenly the caninu toy hears coughing and wheezing getting his attention. Looking puzzled, Red took a look. He saw a sight that surprised him.

"Batty, is that you?" asked Red in disbelief.

Batty was a small fruit bat. He is another one of Maxwell's toys. Of course, Red and his friends haven't seen the bat toy in a while and they wonder what happened to him.

"Hey Red." said Batty grinning while he coughed a bit.

"What are you doing up here? I thought Mom took you to get your squeaker fixed months ago. Maxwell was so upset." Red said in disbelief. He knew that Maxwell is always upset whenever his toys get broken, lost, or worst.

Batty coughs as he said sadly, "Nah. She just told him that to calm him down and then put me on the shelf."

"Well, why didn't you yell for help?"

"Well, I tried squeakin'. But I'm still broken. No one could hear me." Batty tries to do so but he only ended up coughing and wheezing. He sighs as he said, "Besides, the dust aggravates my condition."

Batty then coughs and wheezes like mad as Red caught him. The bat toy sighs as he said, "What's the point in prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one stitch away from here to there."

Batty points to something. Red took a look outside and then his eyes widen as he sees what Batty was pointing at. Julie is setting up a sign with boxes and tables. It looks like she's about ready to do something. To his shock, he sees a sign and two terrible words.

"Yard sale...yard sale?!" yelled Red in horror. Looking down from the shelf, he yelled, "YARD SALE! Guys, wake up, wake up! There's a yard sale outside!"

The toys, including those in the toy trunk and from under the bed, come out and looks as Red continued, "A yard sale is about to happen outside!"

"A yard sale?!" yelled Zero horrified. Every toy knew what yard sales mean. It means stuff get sold for cash! And worst, toys may be on the sale's list!

"Sarge Worm! Emergency roll call!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" yelled Sarge Worm. He salutes as he yelled, "Red alert! All civilians fall in position now!" Everyone looks nervously as they got into a line. "Single file! Let's move, move, move!"

As the toys watch, Zero held a pad marking off to see if any toy has not been taken yet.

"IMP? Bob? Lumen? Bertrand? Philippe?" called out Zero.

"Here!" yelled the toys.

"Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson?"

"Here!" called out the Simpsons nervously as they hold onto each other.

Zero kept on checking the toys. So far, so good. Fozzie shakes nervously as he said, "Wocka, Wocka! I hate yard sales."

"Bugs Bunny! Daffy Duck! Mario! Luigi! Sonic! Yoshi! Silver! Shadow!" Zero called out the other toys' name.

The Muppet Bear yelps as he hears something. The sound of footsteps. He yelled, "AHHH! Someone's coming! Wocka Wocka!"

The toys knew that Julie is about to get into Maxwell's bedroom as they run to get back into position as did Red. They all hope for their sake that the mother won't hurt her son's feelings and sold the toys he still cares for and wants to keep.
Chapter 3 of my Toy Story 2 fanmake.

All characters and stuff belong to their respective owners.
© 2013 - 2024 alvarobmk123
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