
alvarobmk123's Toy Story Chapter 9

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Bufford and his prizes arrived at Bufford's destination, the most terrible thing next to Bufford's backyard: his house. Bufford leaps off his skateboard and begins walking to his home.

The zipper on Bufford's bag was opened allowing Zero to take a peek out. As he sees Bufford's house, he spots Maxwell's next door.

"Red, I can see your dwelling from here. You're almost home." Zero told a terrified Red who is standing next to an anxious Chao. Red gulps. He would be lucky to get to home right after Bufford goes into... his house.

"Chao Garden is coming. The mystic portal awaits!" said the Chao happily.

"Will you be quiet? You guys don't get it, do you?" yelled Red in a panic. Zero and Chao don't get it so Red has to explain fast, "Once we go into Bufford's house, we won't be coming out!"

Sure enough, Bufford opened the front door and enters his door. Red jumps back in fear as Treble the robo-dog jumps for the bag. He looks like he is greeting his master but he's most likely wanting what Bufford has in the bag.

"Whoa, Treble! Hey, boy! Sit! Good boy." Bufford ordered. Treble groans as it obeyed. Bufford grins evilly as he reaches into his bag, "Hey, I got something for you, boy."

"Freeze!" yelled Red alarmed. The toys went still as Bufford's hand reach into the bag.  For a while, Red fear he would get him but luckily, he grabs the Chao toy instead. Red and Zero then watched as the toy destroyer place the Chao on an eager Treble's nose. Red has a bad feeling that this won't be pretty.

"Ready, set..." said Bufford with a sinister grin. "NOW!"

Then quickly, Treble throws the Chao into the air and grabs it with his mouth. He begins shaking it back and forth. Red and Zero gasped and nearly threw up as they watch what the dog has done to the poor Chao.

"Rhyme! Hey, Rhyme!" Bufford yelled, obviously calling someone. The two toys see a blond girl coming in. Her name is Rhyme (from The World Ends With You, as a young girl), Bufford's little sister. In her name is a black cat toy figure. It is a Scratchy toy.

"What?" asked Rhyme bored.

"Did I get my package in the mail?" Bufford asked impatiently. The boy has been waiting a while for a package that he ordered. It hasn't come in yet and he wanted it so badly.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know?!"

Rhyme groans. She snapped, "I don't know!"

Bufford growls. Bad enough his package did not come in yet. Seeing the Scratchy toy, an idea came in his head as Bufford smirks evilly.

"Oh, no, Rhyme!" gasped Bufford in mock concern.

"What?" asked Rhyme looking up.

"Look! Scratchy!" exclaimed Bufford as he grabs the Scratchy toy.


"He's sick!"

Rhyme, alarmed, yelled in panic, "No! He's not!"

"I'll have to perform one of my operations." laughed Bufford as he quickly run up the stairs.

"No!" screamed Rhyme as she chases her brother upstairs trying to get Scratchy back.

At this point, Red looks horrified as he realized where Bufford is going to now. He whispered, "Not Bufford's room. Not there."

Unfortunately, with Rhyme behind him, Bufford runs to his door. Rhyme is yelling, "Bufford, give him back!"

Bufford laughs evilly as he runs into his room and cruelly slammed the door into his sister's face before the latter could come in.

As Rhyme was pounding on the door yelling Bufford's name, the boy gets to 'work'. He throws the bag on the bed, not caring about what is inside as he goes over to a workbench which Bufford has installed in his room. He begins to play another one of his twisted games.

"Oh, no! We have a sick patient here, Nurse! Prepare the O.R., stat!" said Bufford playing a doctor. He turns on a bulb hanging up above the table. Red and Zero could only watch from the bag as they see him put the Scratchy toy's head in a vise.

"Mom!" yelled Rhyme from outside.

"The patient is..." Bufford/doctor chuckles evilly as he strains while tightening the vise on the Scratchy, "prepped."

Red and Zero could only cringes. This is not normal behavior for a child! Bufford next gets out a painter's mask from a tool chest on and puts it on like he's some sort of a surgeon's mask.

"No one's ever attempted a double bypass... brain transplant before." said Bufford/doctor. Bufford then goes to a crate that is full of junk he could use. He takes out a Soldier Heartless toy and chuckles as he puts the toy on the table. He said, "Now for the tricky part. Pliers!"

"I don't believe that kid's ever been to medical school." Zero whispered to a shivering Red. The caninu hunter toy nodded in concern. He knows what's going to happen...and he cringes as Bufford 'operates' on his 'patient'.

After a while, Bufford was finished as he said in a nurse's voice, "Doctor, you've done it!"

Bufford then grabs his 'patient' eagerly as he goes over to the door.

"Rhyme!" Bufford said in his normal voice as he opens the door revealing a worried Rhyme. "Scratchy all better now."

Rhyme looks up hopefully. Then Bufford holds out Scratchy. At least, what is supposed to be Scratchy. To Rhyme's horror, Bufford has replaced the poor toy's head...with that of Soldier Heartless. Rhyme can only react by this: she screams in fear and runs down the hallway.

"MOM! MOM!" screamed Rhyme.

"She is lying! Whatever she says, it's not true!" protested Bufford angrily. He throws the Scratchy/Soldier toy to the ground as he runs out, slamming the door behind him.

Once Bufford is gone, the toys looked around at Bufford's room. There are heavy metal posters hanging almost everywhere, toys remains almost everywhere and power tool ready to be use.

"We are gonna die... I wanna be with my sis!" whined Red in fear. He runs out of the bag yelling, "I'm outta here!"

Zero remains where he's at while Red jumps up off the bed. He runs to the door and jumps up to the doorknob. But no matter how much he tries, it won't turned. Bufford has locked the bedroom as he bolted.

Red gave up as he jumps to the floor, groaning, "Locked! There's gotta be another way outta here."

As Red tries to think this out, he hears a noise fast startling him. He turns just in time to see a small yo-yo falling on its side. Red looks scared. He fears that whatever the un-toy thing is has not gone away yet.

Red grabs a pencil nearby and walks away in precaution. He wants something to defend himself in case whatever it is decided to pound.

Suddenly a shadow rushes by Red causing him to turn. Whatever it is has since rushed by.

"Uh, Zero, was that you?" asked Red in fear. He got no response, meaning that it is obviously not Zero. More scared now, he throws the pencil away and grabs a larger flashlight. He looks around...and hears a noise coming from the psycho's bed. Red turns a flashlight on and shines it in the direction of the noise, trying to see what it is.

He sighs in relief as he sees a baby's head being shined by the light. He figures it is nothing to be scared of.

"Hey, hi there, little fella. Come out here. Do you know a way outta here?"

Red was interrupted as the baby came out from under the bed. Red gasped in horror as he sees the rest of it. It was a baby with purple tentacles as his body. He's Stewie (Family Guy, on his octopus form).

As Red continues go look on in horror, Stewie rose up to makes itself taller than Red who just kept the flashlight on him.

Just then, Red took a look and looks horrified. Stewie isn't the only creature around. There are more creatures coming out from the shadows. They used to be normal toys until Bufford has experimented or wrecked them badly. Now they are Mutant Toys, wondering around the bedroom.

One Mutant Toy is a female hyena with doll legs instead of her normal ones. Her name is Shenzi.

Another toy is a skater man that is glued permanently to a skateboard. His name is Tony Hawk.

Another toy is some sort of a Jack-in-the-Box that has a handle that is winding up by itself. But when its top opened, a white gloved hand came out to move. It is called Master Hand.

Another toy is a gray cat that now has a spring for its bottom. He bounces up and down over and over. His name is Tom.

The next toy is a wind-up brown mouse with yellow Mexican hat, and white shirt. The mouse has an erector set and monster truck wheels instead of legs and his left paw is missing. His name is Speedy Gonzalez.

Another toy is a gray alien. He has a baby toy roller for feet. His name is Roger.

Another toy seems to be a muscular man with robotic arms and legs, instead of his original ones. His name is Zangief.

And finally, the last Mutant Toy is some sort of Kremling toy with human arms and legs instead of the usual. His name is called Kritter.

The Mutant Toys rushed by creeping Red out like mad. Roger stops near the toy and clicks the button on the flashlight, turning it off.

"Turn that off! It will stop to have battery in no time." he glared at Red.

As he rolls on, Red screams and jumped back onto the bed where Zero is waiting for him.
Red hides behind Zero holding onto him, yelping, "Z-Z-Zero!!!!"

As the toy watch, the Mutant Toys grabbed all of Scratchy and Soldier Hearless and seems to be fighting over them.

"They're cannibals!" said Zero in disgust as he watched the Mutant Toys dragged what they can to the shadows from where they can from.

The toy toys rushed back into the bag in hopes the Mutant Toys won't run them there. As Red hides in the corner like a coward, Zero pushes a button on his chest.

"Mayday, mayday! Come in, Star Republic! X, send reinforcements! Call to Harpuia, Leviathan, Fefnir and Phantom for backup!" Zero said trying to contact X (but failed obviously). A pause then he tries again, "Star Republic? X, do you copy?"

Unfortunately, X and the Space Republic has yet to respond (maybe because they can't in reality). The Reploid has no idea why they aren't answering. Something must be jamming his signal... or so he thinks.

Not taking chances, Zero gets his Buster Shot out and watches the bag opening carefully.

"I've set my Buster Shot from stun to kill." said Zero in determination keeping an eye out for the obvious.

Red groans as he said sarcastically, "Ah, great, great. Yeah, and if anyone attacks us, we can blink 'em to death."

Red knew this isn't good. He is stuck in Bufford's room, knowing the boy who owns it will come back at any moment. He has a bad feeling he and Zero won't return home tonight.

Back next door, Homer, IMP, Bob, Chocolat, Elh, Beluga, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Alex, Gloria, Melman, Marty, and Bugs Bunny watched as Fozzie uses a flashlight to shine on where Zero fell earlier. They are still looking for him, unaware that he is next door at this moment being trapped by the Mutant Toys.

Just then, some bushes moved, getting Fozzie excited. "Hey, you guys, I think I found him. Zero, is that you?" Eduardo shines the flashlight beam on the bushes excited.

However, the only response he got is an angry meow.

"Whiskers, will you get out of here! You're interfering with a search and rescue!" Marty snapped at the cat.

Just then, a car is heard approaching the house.

"Look! They're home." said Yoshi quietly as Fozzie turns the flashlight. The other toys duck down, most of them are still planning to take down Red once Maxwell brings him into the room.

"I hope Red and Zero are okay." Mario said.

"Me too." Luigi added.

"For Zero, I hope too. But for Red... not." Shadow scowled getting impatient to beat the crud out of Red.

"Shadow, cut it out, will ya?" Sonic glared at him. "I told you Red is innocent."

“Yeah! And that goes for the rest of you!” Chocolat agreed pointing to the ones who want to make Red suffer.

"Cross your fingers, guys!" Beluga called.

As they watch, the van parks in the driveway. Maxwell and his mom gets out. While Julie goes to get Lily out, Maxwell search the van. He has a big worried look on his face. Chocolat, Beluga and Elh can tell something is missing.

"Mom, have you seen Red?" asked Maxwell worried.

"Where was the last place you left him?" asked Julie as she removes Lily's restraints.

"Right here in the van." said Maxwell. He is more worried as he continues to search.

"I'm sure he's there. You're just not looking hard enough."

"He's not here, Mom. Red's gone!"

The toys, as they heard this, either looked disappointed or concerned. Most of the toys are disappointed as their attempt for revenge has been foiled. Elh, Chocolat, Beluga, Bugs, Sonic and Silver, the Mario Bros and Yoshi and the Madagascar's gang on the other hand...

"Red's gone?" asked Elh in fear. She wanted to help Red prove his name. She is too much in love with the toy to let him get tear up like that.

"It can't be... It shouldn't be true!" Sonic protested.

“But how did that happened?” Silver asked shocked.

IMP shook his head in disgust as he remarked, "Yeah, boy, the weasel ran away."

As IMP, Bob, Homer, Shadow and Fozzie begin to leave, Homer added in his cocky like voice, "Huh? Huh? I told you he was guilty."

"Hmph. You were right, Homer." Shadow agreed with the Simpson toy.

"Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities?" said Bob disappointed.

The only toys who haven't left are the ones who still believe in Red: Elh, Chocolat, Beluga, Bugs, Sonic and Silver, the Mario Bros and Yoshi and the Madagascar's gang. They looked sad as the one they believed in seems to have disappeared forever.

"Oh, guys... I hope he's okay." said Elh sadly as she and the others look out into the outside world.

"Me too, Elh." Chocolat agreed. "After all... he's my brother."

"Let's just cross our fingers, so he can be okay." Sonic said in concern.

What they don't know that not only Red is okay, he is in danger as he is next door right now with a certain toy destroyer... and none of the toys don't know that either!
Chapter 9 of my Toy Story.

All characters belong to their respective owners.
© 2013 - 2024 alvarobmk123
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Krocken's avatar
Oh, my, our heroes are in for it now